7-Day FREE Trial

30 Days to Your 1st Results!

7-Day FREE Trial

Why Join Us Each Month?

You will see growth in your website traffic and social media audience in the first 30 days.

As a part of our community you will get access to monthly marketing courses that will empower you to:

  1. Improve and optimize your website for organic reach & conversion
  2. Grow your social media audience monthly
  3. Increase reach, impressions, and engagement online

You will gain exclusive access to our online community to network, encourage, and learn from other entrepreneurs, content creators, and digital marketers.

Shambi Broome digital manager

You Can!

As an entrepreneur or a new digital marketer it's easy to let our internal dialogue tell us "you can't".

This community is here to quiet those thoughts and help you to see that "You Can!".

In 30 days you will see growth in your website & social media marketing.

It doesn't end there! Your membership will give you the support you need each month to continue to grow online.

I have worked in sales and marketing since 1995. In 2004 I founded JMB Designs, and since 2006 I have worked with clients creating Internet marketing plans and developing growth strategies through digital marketing.

I am active on social media with an average 160K+ post impressions per month on my personal branding accounts. 

I decided it was time to take my 20+ years of experience and share it with you.


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Example Curriculum

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days after you enroll
shambi broome 90K tweet impressions
Data Tells It All

In March 2020, one of our tweets received over 90,000 impressions due to strategic use of hashtags and Twitter trends.

Instagram logo
Instagram Reels

January 2021 an Instagram Reels we posted using trending audio and strategic keywords hit 10,000 views in less than 20 minutes.

Real Talk

Do you really need to use hashtags? Why is no one buying from your website? Our experts, courses, & community have got you covered.

Join today!